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quotes from the bible

Phil 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

Visitor No.19859108
Welcome on the websites of 'congregation of YHWH ,Jerusalem'!

Shalom!  visiting for the first time? click here!

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  • [Apr 13th'24] Shenah Tova_ For the 2024 Calendar Please Click the Study Material Icon and then click Pamphlets and you will find it for download
  • [Dec 8th'23] The Erev Shabbat Bible Study is back online in the Audio Section
  • [Aug 5th'23] We are having a technical Problem and will be updating our Server and the site will be offline Aug 7-8
  • [Aug 5th'23] We are having a technical Problem. Check our Brighteon Channel. https://www.brighteon.com/47502d3d-056a-4643-b881-f83a4a27b37d
  • [Jan 28th'23] Todays message from Elder Don The Other Side is now online!
  • [Nov 4th'22] The Erev Shabbat Bible Study is back online in the Audio Section
  • [Oct 29th'22] New Messages from Elders at Sukkot now online
  • [Oct 15th'22] Chag Semeach! Todays almost live message from Elder Don The Kinsman Redeemer is now online!
  • [Nov 13th'21] News Messages from Sukkot 2021 in the Wilderness Are Now Online!
  • [Oct 7th'21] HAG SAMEACH! Todays almost live message from Elder Don The Countdown Has Begun From The Feast of Yom Teruah is now online!
  • [May 3rd '21] HAG SAMEACH! Todays message from Elder Don Yahshua The Firstfruit From The Feast of Firstfruit is now online!
  • [Dec 26th'20] Todays almost live message from Elder Don Choose Life is now online!
  • [Nov 20th'20] The Erev Shabbat Bible Study has Started Again, Shabbat Shalom!
  • [Jul 10th'20] Lessons and pamphlets to study and share can now be found in several languages in the study section
  • [May 23rd'20] Due to a Video within the sermon, PLEASE Give about 5 minutes after clicking on the sermon for the message to appear and to start playing
  • [Apr 12th'20] HE IS NOT HERE ! HE IS RISEN
  • [Mar 24th'20] A Blessed New Moon and New Year!
    ...Yet I will exult in YAHWEH; I will rejoice in the Elohim of Yshua! [Hab 3:18]
    This is the day YAHWEH has made! We will rejoice and be glad in it!
    [Ps 118:24]
    Shalom from Israel!
  • [Dec 27th'19] Rosh Chodesh SAMEACH! Daniel Chapter 8 Bible StudyIs Now Online!
  • [Nov 02nd'19] News Sermons from Sukkot 2019 Are Now Online!
  • [Oct 28th'19] Have a blessed New Moon! Rosh Chodesh Sameach!
  • [Oct 14th'19] CHAG SAMEACH! The Sukkot Message From The WildernessIs Now Online!
  • [Oct 10th'19] CHAG SAMEACH! May all of Yahweh's set apart People have a most blessed feast of Sukkot (Tabernacles)!
  • [Oct 8th'19] Shalom from Israel! May you all have a blessed Yom Kippur.
  • [Sep 29th'19] CHAG SAMEACH! May you have a most blessed feast of Yom Teruah (Feast of Trumpets)!
  • [Jun 8th'19] CHAG SAMEACH! May you have a most blessed feast of SHAVUOTH!
  • [Jun 3rd'19] Have a blessed New Moon! Rosh Chodesh Sameach!
  • [Apr 18th'19]   Shalom from Jerusalem in the wonderful name of Yahshua our Redeemer!
    May you have a most blessed and meaningful Pessach as we remember His sacrifice and love for us, renewing our covenant vows this evening.
  • [Apr 5th'19]   Shalom from Israel in the wonderful name of Yahshua!
    May you have a peaceful Shabbat, a blessed New Moon and New Year - and may the Master of Peace Himself continually give peace to you in every way. Our Master be with all of you!
  • [Oct 31st'18] Todays almost live service from Jerusalem A Wonderful World is now online! Have a blessed Last Great Day - Chag Sameach!
  • [May 26th '18] Message from Jerusalem (Pessach 2018) given by Elder Don Behold The Man (audio only) is now online!

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About us
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Coming new moons:
Oct 4th
Nov 2nd
Dec 2nd
April 23rd
(Symbols 22nd after sunset)
Apr 24-30th
April 28th
June 16th
Yom Teruah:
Oct 4th
Yom Kippur:
Oct 13th
Sukkot + 8th day:
Oct 18th - Oct 24th
[The set apart times start the evening before indicated dates.]






























last change: Aug 2024, in case of technical problems write to E-Mail