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[+] 2012_Philippines_Jan_2012

"Personal …………………. (October 2006)"

Shalom in the wonderful names of Yahweh and Yahshua. I just returned from a most awesome and miraculous trip to Uganda with Brother David Erb of Alabama. It truly was a mission trip like no other..

This is the first mission trip that I have taken that not only weren’t there any congregation of YHWH’s in Uganda but I did not even know or even have contact with even one person from Uganda before our trip, but as I told in my testimony this summer in America that Yahweh was getting ready to open some big doors in Uganda and commissioned me to go there. It was the blessing of my life to take the calling..

A Pastor from Uganda named Nehemiah set up a conference in which I was to be the guest speaker. The conference lasted for 4 days. This was the very first time that these people ever heard about the name of our Creator Yahweh, or about His Sabbath covenant with the children of Israel or that Yahweh’s law was not nailed to a cross but still stands today..

I prayed about how do I even start to teach people that have not had any foundational teachings at all in these areas? I had prepared 4 messages to give each day of the conference and every day without fail, as soon as I went to the pulpit to preach, the Father had me put away my notes and talk on an entirely different subject than what I had prepared. Although it is not the first time that Yahweh has given me a different message when I reached the pulpit, this is the first time that it happened for every message I prepared..

The first day there was about 100 people who showed up and I spoke on revealing the name of the Creator, and of course it stirred a lot of questions from the audience after the message. One little boy about 9 or 10 years old came forward and asked the question “ That if our Creator’s name is Yahweh and not God shouldn’t we be calling Him by His real personal name Yahweh?” The response was a thunderous applause from the audience. I wasn’t sure how it was received until the next day when people came to the pulpit and instead of saying thanks be to “God”, they started saying thanks be to Yahweh..

I also explained to them that just because they had the Creator’s name incorrect that did not diminish in any way from the relationship that they had with Him, because they still knew the character of the Spirit even though they did not know His name. They received this well..

The second day Yahweh had me reveal to them their Israelite heritage. They were dumbfounded and many had tears in their eyes to find out that they were indeed truly Children of Israel. The Pastor then said that this explained many questions to them because the tribe that these people came from called Bantu’s ( which means my people) was the only tribe in Uganda who did not know their background past their grandparents and they were yearning to know who they are. Hos 1:10b And it shall be, in the place where it is said to them, You are not My people, it shall be said to them, Sons of the Living Elohim..

He then called all the tribal Elders up and one by one they started to explain how they knew what I was saying was correct. They told me that they were told by archaeologists that their ploughs that they plough with are exactly like ancient Israel used to use and they did not know why, and also the way that they thresh their grain is exactly the way ancient Israelites did this and they could not explain why; only that their forefathers whom migrated from Ethiopia and other areas brought these traditions with them. After many more testimonies and even words that were used in their tribal language such as Emmanuel and even a form of the sacred name of Yahweh, which was used instead of the word lord, that they could not explain how they knew all this, but that the ancestors that brought these traditions had to be from the lost tribes of Israel..

I was so honoured that our Heavenly Father used me to find these lost sheep of Israel and to bring the true gospel to them. I had never in my life seen people more eager to receive the truth. .

Every day of the conference more and more people came and the last day we had between 300 and 400 people present, and they all just could not get enough of the truth. After I shared a message on the Sabbath covenant, several Pastors came forward with tears in their eyes, and repented to the congregations for teaching them lies and promised to start to have Sabbath services the very next week. I have never seen such a mass conversion on this scale to a nation in my life..

There were also several miracles and healings by Yahweh to confirm what I was saying was truly His word and His law continues to stand forever. One man was so sick unto death that they could not even manage to bring him out of bed even on a stretcher. They did not say what his sickness was but from the way it was described it sounded like he may have even had aids. They asked for prayer for him that night and after we prayed that evening the next day he was COMPLETELY HEALED! Praise Yahweh..

I then found out that we had an invitation by the president of Uganda to visit the Presidential state house and visit him and his wife. This was to be the last day we were there before going to the airport, but the Ugandan Pastor ran into some car problems and the First Lady had to go to a special parliament meeting and we had to meet with her personal secretary instead. This actually turned out to be a blessing in disguise for if we met the President and First lady it would have been for maybe 10 or 15 minutes and a photo opportunity, but the Secretary met with me for 1 ½ hours and Yahweh allowed me to share the whole gospel message through the 12 tribes of Israel. The madam secretary was in tears by the end of our meeting, and took my books to give to the First Lady and said most assuredly that I will hear from the First lady and asked for me to write to her personally..

I shared with her the special ness of my visit and that Yahweh was reclaiming Uganda back for Him and the children of Israel that lived there. If you remember when the UN created the modern nation of Israel in 1948 they took a vote and nearly put the country of Israel in Uganda as many Jews lived there. Then when Edi Amin came to power and tried to make Uganda a Muslim state and started expelling Jews from Uganda, Yahweh’s blessing left, but now He is bringing His blessing back to that Nation if they continue to support the Nation of Israel. This was my personal message for the Madam Secretary to give to the President from me. Another interesting thing happened to show our visit from the Prince of peace was truly from Yahweh. There has been civil war going on in Uganda for over 20 years and miraculously the day we arrived a ceasefire and peace deal went into effect paving the way to show that we came in the name of Yahshua the Prince of Peace..

I can’t begin to tell you what a blessing it was for both David and I to be blessed to be the ones that Yahweh chose to bring this message to Uganda. The openness and zeal and love that the Ugandan people showed us was the most moving thing of all about the trip. Most people in Uganda make only 1 or 2 dollars a day and yet they were so happy at their jobs and content to be able to be working. They took such pride in doing a good job for there boss. The man whose job was to cook for us, stayed with us for a whole week away from his family just in case we had a need in the middle of the night. We were told that even if we were 7 or 8 hours late, if a Ugandan knew a guest was coming that day, they would wait and give the little bit of food they had to the guest because they are so happy that a guest would welcome their presence in their home..

Brethren please keep these new brethren in your prayers and especially the pastors that will now be preaching the truth there, as they will get a lot of persecution from the false money hungry Sunday pastors that have been deceiving these poor dedicated people for so long. I did not have time to do a mass baptism of the new converts but was only able to do so, and laying on of hands for the main Pastor who will re-baptise the brethren soon. My prayer tonight to Yahweh is that all His people worldwide would have the zeal and love of the truth that we saw from the Ugandan Brethren and prepare their wedding garments for the bridegroom is coming! "HalleluYAH" !!!!!!! .

      B'Shem Yahshua,

[+] 2006_Philippines_Mar_2006
[+] 2005_Kenya

Congregation of Yahweh,
13300-56 S. Cleveland Ave #111
Fort Myers, FL, 33907

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