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Pessach 2019

Deu 16:16 Three times in a year shall all your males appear before Yahweh your Elohim in the place which He shall choose (Jerusalem).

Po Box 832 Carteret NJ 07008

It is truly one of the most exciting experiences that you will have in your life, to take a Pilgrimage in the land of Israel. After reading the Holy Scriptures for so many years, to be able to see it all with your own eyes will be a life changing experience.

We are living in these times where Yahweh has brought Judah back to the land of Israel after 2500 years of Diaspora. Come and share what Yahweh is doing in His land Israel in these end times. The Congregation of Yahweh Jerusalem has been blessed to host the pilgrim feasts for the 19th year now. (Deut 16:16)

We will spend the Passover week in the southern hills of Jerusalem in a special place that overlooks both the cities of Jerusalem and Bethlehem. Yah willing we will visit Bethlehem during our stay and see the very place where Yahshua our Saviour was born.

We will also go on a field trip during Passover that will teach you everything you need to know about the original agricultural calendar that ancient Israel used. We will be taught by one of Israel's top experts on the calendar, and will even be taught how to calculate the time of the vernal equinox if you are on your own.

You will be taught about the barley harvest in Israel, so you can see for yourself what is Aviv barley, and know what is the biblical definition of the New Year. In this process you will be taught what the ancient wave sheaf ceremony really was and you will participate in actually making a wave sheaf for the feast of firstfruits.

Then, after Passover, the first day of the tour we will walk in the footsteps of our father Abraham as he came from Mesopotamia in modern day Turkey/Syria border as he would have entered Israel from the north, and we will visit Tel Dan, the furthest part of the Israelite empire and one of the three sources of the Jordan River, and also we will visit Caesarea Philippi where Yahshua revealed Himself to His disciples, as well as visiting Tel Beit Maachah where Joab went to find the rebel who rebelled against King David after Absalom's death. We will also visit Tel Hatzor, which is the largest ancient remain in Israel even though only 5% has been excavated. This was also where Joshua burned down the city when Jabin the king of Hatzor fought against him.

The next day we will visit Nazareth where Yahshua grew up and they have the original village of Nazareth recreated as it was in the 1st century with even people dressed as first century characters. Then, we will go to the new place of excavation where they believed that Yahshua actually lived with His family when He was young. We will then go back to Galilee to Capernaum, the city Yahshua lived during His ministry, and also visit Magdala where Mary Magdalene lived, and visit the Mount of Beatitudes, and finish the day with a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee, the very water Yahshua walked on.

So, if you are interested please download an application and send your deposit into our NJ address. You can get the full feast information in the feast section below.















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