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Matthew 24:14 Project
And this good news of the Kingdom shall be published in all the earth for a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come.
(Mat 24:14)

Matthew 24:14 Project
Project - Preaching the Good News - The twofold comission --> Materials

Below is outlined the basic plan of action for bringing the Good News of Yahshua worldwide in the next 3 years.
Specific Purpose Statement- To preach the good news of Yahshua to all continents, worldwide, within 3 years, as a witness to His soon coming Kingdom, using the COYJ website as the avenue to do so. The internet is the most economical and wide range avenue that is available to us today to effectively bring the good news of Yahshua worldwide with very little manpower and very little financial resources.

The key to this plan is simply getting people to the website. Yahweh has blessed the Congregation of Yahweh Jerusalem with clear, most precise, and accurate doctrine, teaching about restoring the land covenant to Israel and being based by Yahweh in the very Holy land itself. We also have been blessed with being revealed the true name of our heavenly Father Yahweh, and His son Yahshua, as well as understanding who the tribes of Israel are today and the significance of the re-gathering of those tribes back to the land of Israel in the end times. Yahweh has also blessed us with the wonderful knowledge of exactly what is the Kingdom of Yahweh and how to prepare to be ambassadors for that kingdom.

With this wonderful spiritual knowledge that Yahweh has poured out and bestowed upon us, there is a great responsibility to bring this message to the world. Adam failed at bearing fruit with the true message of Yahweh; we don’t want to make the same mistake. I believe the information that Yahweh inspired last year on the purpose of man is vital for us to teach people so they understand the purpose of man on this earth. Mankind must understand his purpose for being created was to bear fruit (make disciples for the kingdom of Yahweh). He must also understand that the Torah is the training manual for planting that fruit, cultivating and nurturing it, and then also harvesting it when it is ripe. The purpose of man study explains all of this in detail.
We also have the Great falling Away book. This book was truly inspired by Yahweh and is thorough and yet at the same time simple to read and touches the heart of the reader. In almost 10 years now after writing the book, we just had the 6th printing and the book has gone worldwide. We receive orders and letters of new people coming to faith every week.
We also have the bible lessons on-line that are the foundation to having the truth of Yahweh, which is repenting of one’s sins, being immersed in the family name of Yahweh and moving on in newness of life. Every major topic in the bible including the Sabbath, holy days, the state of the dead, the reward of the saved and the newest lesson, the Kingdom of Yahweh are on line and free of charge. However, our biggest asset is that we now have a bible translation that is the closest to what the Apostles had and has not been available for almost 2,000 years. Mat 24:14 states "This good news will be published in all the earth for a testimony to all nations and then the end will come”. Praise Yahweh that He is using us for this great purpose and the New Hebraic Roots Bible is being used to fulfill His will.
We need to be able to promote that people can download all these items for free. We must also remember that this campaign that we are being inspired to embark on is not to convert (although Praise Yahweh many will be called to the truth) but it is as a testimony or witness to the evil in this wicked world and the plagues that are coming before Yahshua will return.

This is not a one man job. I don’t believe that one man could bring the good news worldwide and I also don’t believe Yahweh would want it that way, as He must get all the glory in this end time work of His. Each person needs to make themselves a committee of one and be will be responsible to promoting the website in his given area using the internet, radio, fliers, local media, and local outreach of the brethren. The more brethren we can get involved the better. We can literally witness to millions if not billions of people through the site.

We will have a simple 3 step plan in getting them to the site;
  • having them read the Great Falling Away
  • and then start the bible correspondence course
  • and then listen to the sermons and read other studies and Remnant’s Walks for their spiritual maturity

We have a great task before us, and our manpower and resources are miniscule. We are truly like Gideon’s army and we will prevail the same as he did with Yahweh’s blessing. This will bring a much greater workload to many of us, and in many areas such as the USA and South America there is a great vacuum of trained and qualified leadership. We will also set up an elders network on line when the situation warrants it, to have the people be able to study the lessons and have on line support from elders for questions and counseling.
In addition, in the first year of the three year plan, home pages are set up on the website for Tagalog, German, Afrikaans, and Spanish so that each of those areas will have a little flag on our homepage so that local indigents can get all the lessons, books etc in the local languages. Also our radio programs will be expanding greatly on line as well as more lessons be produced. Also, a team is being set up that can promote specifically the Hebraic Root Bible and get it connected to such forums as e-sword and other bible distributing venues.

When the website started in 2006 we had about 1,000 visitors from 5 to 10 countries, today we have between 10,000 and 15,000 from between 75 to 80 countries, downloading up to 20,000 lessons,sermons and books every month. We have thousands that get our e-mail updates from Israel and new people joining almost daily. We have set a foundation where now things are ready to explode. The key is to always remember that we represent Yahweh and this is His work We must always remember that we are serving out of our love for Yahweh and His creation, and that mammon should never play into decision making in bringing the good news to the world. We must remember to always portray ourselves with dignity and honor and loyalty to the wonderful Creator that we serve.
While we are performing this program we never want to compromise with the truth or embellish any part of Yahweh’s word. We simply want to bear witness that what He has done in our lives and the great purpose that He has for those who love Him and keep His commandments. May we be faithful as we embark on this work.

Books Pamphlets Lessons
  Download   Correspondence Course Lesson 01 - Joining The New Covenant
  Download   Correspondence Course Lesson 02 - What is True Repentance
  Download   Correspondence Course Lesson 03 - The Family of Yahweh
  Download   Correspondence Course Lesson 04 - The Sabbath Day
  Download   Correspondence Course Lesson 05 - The Life of A True Believer
  Download   Correspondence Course Lesson 06 - The Reward of The Saved
  Download   Correspondence Course Lesson 07 - Is There A Hell Fire
  Download   Correspondence Course Lesson 08 - Holy Days_Passover_Unleaven
  Download   Correspondence Course Lesson 09 - Shavuot-Sukkot
  Download   Correspondence Course Lesson 10 - The Family Name of The Creator
  Download   Correspondence Course Lesson 11 - The Biblical Calendar
  Download   Correspondence Course Lesson 12 - Changing of The Priesthood
  Download   Correspondence Course Lesson 13_Enduring Till The End
  Download   Correspondence Course Lesson 14_Yahwehs Judicial Order
  Download   Correspondence Course Lesson 15_Who Is Babylon
  Download   Correspondence Course Lesson 16_The Kingdom Of YHWH
  Download   Correspondence Course Lesson 17_ Is There An immortal Soul
  Download   Correspondence Course Lesson 18_ The Marriage Covenant
  Download   Correspondence Course Lesson 19_ Who is The Messiah of Israel
  Download   Correspondence Course Lesson 20_What is The Holy Spirit
  Download   Correspondence Course Lesson 21_ The Gift of Languages
  Download   Correspondence Course Lesson 22_The Purpose of Man
  Download   Correspondence Course Lesson 23_Clean and Unclean
  Download   Correspondence Course Lesson 24_Tithing
  Download   Correspondence Course Lesson 25_Jerusalem
  Download   Correspondence Course Lesson 26_ The Shemita Year
  Download   Correspondence Course Lesson 27_ The Wilderness

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