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Luke Chapter 19

On Yahshua’s way to Jerusalem he passed through a city called Jericho, where a man by the name of Zaccheus lived. He was a rich man for he was chief tax collector. When Yahshua was passing through the city, Zaccheus was seeking to see Him and who He was. Zaccheus was not able to, for he was a little man and there was a big crowd. So running ahead, Zaccheus climb a Sycamore tree, so he could see Yahshua passing by. When Yahshua came near the tree He looked up and saw Zaccheus and said to him “hurry come down for today I must stay in your house”. The crowd standing around seeing this murmured against Yahshua saying that He has gone in to stay with a sinful man. Zaccheus hearing this said to Yahshua, “Master, half of everything I own I give to the poor and if in anything I accused anyone wrongly I restore it four times”. Yahshua hearing this told Zaccheus that today salvation has come to his house, for he also is a son of Abraham.
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