Welcome on the websites of 'congregation of YHWH, Jerusalem' ! Language:
Abraham and Isaac

Abraham and Sarah- Isaac

Abram and Sarai - Hagar and Ishmael

Adam and Eve and the Serpent

Baby Moses

Boaz and Ruth

Cain, Abel and Seth

Caleb and Joshua

Daniel and the Lion's Den

David and Goliath

Elohims Creation


Jacob and Esau The Birthright

Jacob and Esau The Blessing

John Baptizes Yahshua

Jonah and the GREAT FISH

Joseph Sold as Slave

Joseph and his brothers

Joseph in Egypt

Josephs Dreams

Lot - Sodom and Gomorrah

Messiah Yahshua is Born

Moses and the Burning Bush

Noah and the Ark

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego

The 12 Sons of Jacob

The Good Samaritan

The Prodigal Son

The ten Plagues of Egypt

Tower of Babel

Yahshua Calls His Apostles

Yahshua Feeds the Crowd

Yahshua Has Passover with His Disciples

Yahshua Heals in Capernaum

Yahshua Raises Lazarus

Yahshua Rides Donkey into Jerusalem

Yahshua Walks on the Water

Yahshua is Crucified and Rises

Yahshua is Tried in the Wilderness

Yahweh Divides the Red Sea


last change: Jun 2024, in case of technical problems write to E-Mail