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YAHWEH Divides the Red Sea
Exodus 14

Moses and the sons of Israel fled Egypt into the wilderness and were camped along the Red Sea. The king of Egypt knew the people fled from Egypt and he was angry they would not be serving him anymore. He sent a great army of Egyptians and their chariots to go after them. Pharaoh’s army came near and the people feared they were trapped by the sea with no escape. They cried to out to Yahweh in great fear. Moses told the people not to fear, but to see how Yahweh was going to save them. Moses stretched out his hand and held his staff over the sea. Yahweh caused a strong wind to blow all night to divide the sea. It made a wall of water on the right and on the left. The land was dry in the middle of the sea for the sons of Israel to cross over to the other side. The Egyptians went after them and Yahweh looked on them in a pillar of fire and a cloud. He confused them and made the chariot wheels come off so they could not drive their chariots. When all of the Israelites crossed to the other side Moses stretched out his staff again and Yahweh made the waters return. All of the Egyptian armies drowned in the sea.

Now, as you have heard the story, do you think you can solve the puzzle?!!!

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