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Yahshua Rides Donkey into Jerusalem
Matthew 21

Yahshua went near Jerusalem into Bethphage, a city toward the Mount of Olives. He sent two of His disciples into the village to find a donkey tied and a colt with her. He said to loosen them and bring them to Him. If anyone said anything to them, they should say, our Master has need of them and he will send them at once. This all happened to fulfill that spoken by the prophet, saying “Say to the daughter of Zion, behold your King comes to you meek and mounted upon a donkey, and upon a colt the foal of a donkey.” The disciples did as Yahshua told them to do. They led the donkey and the colt and put garments on them and set Yahshua upon them. The crowd threw their garments in the road. Other people were cutting tree branches and spreading them in the way. They were crying out, saying, Hosanna to the Son of David! “Blessed is He coming in the name of Yahweh!” Hosanna in the highest! He entered into Jerusalem and the city was shaken saying, Who is this? The crowds said, This is Yahshua, the Prophet, the One of Nazareth of Galilee.

Now, as you have heard the story, do you think you can solve the puzzle?!!!

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