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Yahshua Raises Lazarus
John 11

Lazarus was a friend of Yahshua and he was a very sick man. He had two sisters, Miriam and Martha. Yahshua loved all of them very much. The sisters sent for Yahshua to tell Him their brother was sick. Yahshua heard and said, This is not a sickness to death, but for the glory of Yahweh, that the Son of Yahweh be glorified by it. When Yahshua heard the news, he remained where He was for two days. Afterwards, He told his disciples they would go to Judea again. Yahshua said to them, our friend Lazarus sleeps, but I am going that I may resurrect him. The disciples said if he has fallen asleep, he will get well. Yahshua spoke about Lazarus’ death, but they thought He spoke of the sleep of being tired. So He told them Lazarus died. When they arrived, Yahshua found him already being in the tomb for four days. Many of the Jews came to Martha and Mariam to comfort them about their brother’s death. Martha heard Yahshua was coming and she met Him, but Mariam was sitting in the house. Martha told Yahshua if He had been there, her brother would not have died. Yahshua told her that Lazarus would arise. Martha said she knew about the resurrection in the last day, but Yahshua said to her, I AM the Resurrection and the Life. He who believes in Me will never die! Do you believe this? She said to Him, Yes, Master, I believe that You are the Messiah, the Son of Elohim who comes into the world. Martha told Mariam to go to Yahshua. She rose up and went out to meet Him. Seeing Him, she fell at His feet, and told Him if He would have been there her brother would not have died. Yahshua saw her and the Jews weeping and He wept also. Some of the Jews accused Him. Yahshua went to the tomb. He asked the stone to be taken away from the entrance of the cave. Martha told Yahshua that Lazarus has been dead for four days and he stinks already. Yahshua told her that if she believed she would see the glory of Yahweh. They took away the stone and Yahshua lifted His eyes upward and said, Father, I thank You that You heard Me. And because I know that You always hear Me, but because of the crowd that stands here, I said it, that they might believe you sent Me. Yahshua cried out with a loud voice, Lazarus! Come Forth! Lazarus came out bound in cloth and Yahshua told them to untie him and allow him to go. Many of the Jews seeing this believed in Him, but some of them went away to tell the Pharisees what Yahshua had done.

Now, as you have heard the story, do you think you can solve the puzzle?!!!

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