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Exodus chapters 7 - 13

Yahweh sent 10 plagues upon Egypt so the Pharaoh would let the sons of Israel go from the land. After the third plague, these plagues did not touch the sons of Israel.

1. The waters of Egypt turned to blood.
2. Frogs covered the land of Egypt.
3. Lice covered man and beast.
4. Swarms of flies covered the people.
5. Heavy pestilence was upon all the livestock of Egypt so that they died.
6. Boils and sores broke out on man and livestock.
7. Thunder and hail mixed with fire rained down on the land of Egypt
8. Locusts covered the land to eat every plant in the field and all that the hail left.
9. Three days of thick darkness was on the land so there was no light to see each other.
10. Every first-born in the land of Egypt died.

Now, as you have heard the story, do you think you can solve the puzzle?!!!

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