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Genesis 29-30

Isaac sent Jacob away from his house to live with his uncle Laban. He was his mother Rebekah’s brother. He met Rachel at the well watering her father’s sheep. Jacob rolled the stone from the well and kissed her. Rachel ran and told her father Laban and Jacob lived with them. Laban had two daughters, Leah and Rachel, but Jacob loved Rachel. He wanted to take her as his wife. He told Laban he would serve him for seven years to have Rachel as his wife. Laban agreed. After seven years, Laban prepared a feast and tricked Jacob by bringing Leah to him instead of Rachel. Jacob was very angry and Laban told him he could also have Rachel, but he had to serve him another seven years. Yahweh saw that Jacob loved Rachel more than Leah and Leah gave birth to four sons, Reuben, Simeon, Levi and Judah. Rachel could not have any sons and was jealous of her sister. So she gave her slave girl, Bilhah, to Jacob and she gave birth to Dan and Naphtali. Leah could no longer have any sons so she gave her slave girl, Zilpah, to Jacob and she gave birth to Gad and Asher. Then Leah gave birth to two more sons named Issachar and Zebulun and also a daughter named Dinah. Yahweh remembered Rachel and she gave birth to two sons, Joseph and Benjamin. Yahweh blessed Jacob with 12 sons. They are the 12 tribes of Israel according to the promise Yahweh made to Abraham. They went to Egypt and bowed before Joseph. Joseph saw Benjamin was there too. He told his men to bring his brothers to his house to eat with him. The brothers were afraid because they did not know who put the silver back into their sacks of grain the first time. Joseph told them not to be afraid and he brought Simeon out to them. They went to Joseph’s house and ate with him. He asked them about their father if he was still alive. Joseph saw Benjamin and asked that Elohim have favor on him. Joseph was very emotional and left the table to go to another room and cry. He went back to finish the meal with his brothers. After the meal, Joseph told his servant to put his silver cup and the silver he used to pay for the grain in the grain sack of Benjamin. The next morning the brothers were ready to return home. They were not far from the city when Joseph’s men came upon them and asked why they returned evil for good. They tore open the sacks of grain and found their master’s silver cup in Benjamin’s sack. The brothers were brought back to Joseph’s house. Joseph told them Benjamin would become a servant to him because the cup was found in his sack and he was guilty of stealing. Judah told Joseph about their father and why he could not let Benjamin stay with Joseph. Joseph wept very loud and told his brothers that he was their brother who they sold long ago. He told them not to fear because it was the plan of Elohim to save a remnant in the land for a great deliverance. He told them to hurry and bring back his father and their families so they could live in the land of Goshen where he could watch over them.

Now, as you have heard the story, do you think you can solve the puzzle?!!!

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