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Joseph Sold as Slave
Genesis chapter 37

Joseph’s brothers went to feed the flock of their father’s sheep in Shechem. Israel (Jacob) told Joseph to go to his brothers and find out how they were doing. Joseph went and could not find his brothers. He was wandering in the field when a man told him where he could find his brothers.

His brothers saw him coming and mocked him because of his dreams. They said to kill him and throw him into a pit and say that an evil beast ate him. Reuben heard the brothers and told them not to hurt him or shed his blood. When Joseph came to his brothers they took off the robe and threw him into a pit. They sat down and ate bread. Afterward, they looked up and saw a caravan of Ishmaelite’s coming with their camels carrying spices going to Egypt. Judah told his brothers it would not do any good to kill Joseph and hide his blood. He told them to sell him to the Ishmaelite’s instead. The brothers agreed. They took him out of the pit and sold him to the Ishmaelite’s for twenty pieces of silver. They brought him to Egypt.

When Reuben came back to his brothers he saw that Joseph was not in the pit. He was very sad and tore his clothes. The brothers took Joseph’s robe and killed a goat and dipped his robe in the blood. They took the robe to their father and said an evil beast tore Joseph to pieces. Jacob cried for many days and would not let anyone comfort him for he loved Joseph very much.

Now, as you have heard the story, do you think you can solve the puzzle?!!!

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