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The Blessing
Genesis chapter 27

When Isaac was old and his eyes were dim for seeing, he called his son Esau and asked him to hunt game for him. He asked Esau to make him some of the savory meat so he could bless him before he died. Isaac’s wife, Rebekah, heard him speaking to Esau and when her son sent out to hunt game she spoke to her son Jacob and told him what his father said. She told Jacob to bring her two kids of the goats so she could make them into a delicious dish his father loves. He would bring it to his father to eat and his father would bless him before he died. Jacob told his mother that his father would feel him and know it was Jacob because Jacob was a smooth man and Esau was a hairy man. So his mother took the clothing of Esau and dressed Jacob and put the skins of the goats on his hands and his neck. She made the savory meat for Jacob to take to his father. Jacob came near to his father and Isaac felt him. He said you have the voice of Jacob, but you have Esau’s hands. He asked Jacob if he was Esau and Jacob said he was. Isaac ate his meal and blessed Jacob. At the end of the blessing Jacob left his father and Esau came home from hunting. Esau made the savory meat and brought it to his father. Isaac asked him who he was and Esau told him, I am your son, your first-born, Esau. Isaac was terrified because he gave the blessing to Jacob and not Esau. Esau was very angry and he wept. He hated his brother Jacob and wanted to kill him. So Rebekah sent Jacob away to her brother Laban until Esau was no longer angry.

Now, as you have heard the story, do you think you can solve the puzzle?!!!

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