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The Birthright
Genesis chapter 25

Isaac and his wife Rebekah had twin sons. As Rebekah was giving birth to her sons, the first came out and he was red like a hairy robe so they called his name Esau. Afterward, his brother came out and his hand was holding the heel of Esau; and his name was Jacob. The boys grew up. Esau was a man of the field and he knew hunting. Jacob was a simple man living in tents. Isaac loved Esau for the game he caught to eat and Rebekah loved Jacob. Jacob boiled soup and Esau came from the field and was faint. Esau said to Jacob, "Please let me eat of the red soup for I am faint." Jacob said to Esau, sell me your birthright today. And Esau said, "Behold I am going to die so what good is this birthright to me?" Jacob made Esau swear to him to keep his promise and Esau sold his birthright to Jacob for the bowl of red lentil soup.

Now, as you have heard the story, do you think you can solve the puzzle?!!!

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