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Daniel Chapter 6

King Darius of Persia had a mighty kingdom with many presidents and governors. Daniel was favored most among them because he had a most excellent spirit in him. The king was planning to set him over the whole kingdom. The presidents and governors were jealous and wanted to find fault in Daniel, but none could be found in him. They knew that Daniel was faithful to his El and gathered together with the king to make a royal law. If any man prayed to any god or man, except the king, for thirty days, they would be thrown into a den of lions. King Darius signed the document for the law and it could not be changed according to the law of the Medes and Persians. Daniel heard the document was signed and went to his house to pray. He kneeled in prayer to Yahweh three times a day seeking mercy before Him. The governors and the presidents found Daniel praying before his El and they told the king. King Darius was very sad because he favored Daniel and wanted to deliver him from the punishment of the law, but he could not. He ordered Daniel to be thrown in lion’s den. The king told Daniel that his El would deliver him from the lion’s. The king went to his palace and spent the night fasting. The next day he rose up early and hurried to the lion’s den. He cried in sorrow to Daniel asking if his Elohim delivered him from the lions. Daniel said to the king that his El sent a Messenger to shut the mouth of the lions. The king was so glad Daniel was alive and he brought those who accused Daniel and threw them, their sons and their wives into the lion’s den. Then the king wrote a law that all nations should be in fear before Daniel’s El because He is the living El who endures forever and His Kingdom will not be destroyed. He delivers and rescues, and He works signs and wonders in the heavens and in the earth, He who has delivered Daniel from lions. Daniel was made to prosper in the reign of Darius, and in the reign of Cyrus the Persian.

Now, as you have heard the story, do you think you can solve the puzzle?!!!

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