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Genesis 17 –18 & 21

When Abram was 99 years old, Yahweh appeared to him and made a covenant with him to increase him greatly. He told Abram that he will be the father of many nations and his name is no longer called Abram, but Abraham, and his wife Sarai shall be called Sarah. Yahweh said, I will establish My covenant between Me and You, and your seed after you in their generations, for an everlasting covenant, to be a Elohim to you and to your seed after you. And I will give to you and to your seed after you the land of your sojourning, all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession and I will be their Elohim. The sign of the covenant with Abraham was that every male child among them should be circumcised. Elohim told Abraham that He has blessed Sarah and he would have a son from her. Abraham laughed because he would be 100 years old and Sarah 90 years old. Yahweh appeared to Abraham by the oaks of Mamre and he was sitting by the door of his tent and looked up and saw three men standing by him. Abraham ran into the tent and told Sarah to make three cakes. He took curds and milk and set it before them. They stood under the tree and they ate. They asked Abraham where is your wife Sarah? He said she was in the tent. Yahweh said that He would return to him at the time of life; and a son would be born to his wife. Sarah was listening at the tent and laughed within herself because of her age. Yahweh asked Abraham why she laughed. Sarah denied that she laughed because she was afraid. The two men left and went to Sodom. Yahweh finished speaking with Abraham and He left. Yahweh promised Sarah would have a son and she called him Isaac.

Now, as you have heard the story, do you think you can solve the puzzle?!!!

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