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Mat 24 Projekt

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School for Advanced Bible Studies
By the Sea of Galilee, Israel

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Come and experience the fullness of learning about the land of our inheritance through the most unique program in all of Israel.

Participate in a Biblical Higher Learning Seminar in a picturesque environment that will change your life forever.

But learn the parable of the fig tree (Math 24:32)

Return To the Land is a program designed by Hayahad Bible Seminars in conjunction with Jewish Organizations in Israel to help those now living in the nations to understand and experience exactly what was involved in creating the modern state of Israel. We are living in one of the most fantastic times in the history of humanity. To live in the time to see Israel become a nation again after 2520 years of Diaspora and to grow into the nation they are today. That struggle to regain their homeland did not come easy but took much hard work, dedication and the blessing of the Elohim of Heaven to make this a reality. The program will be focused on helping those in the nations to understand the struggles, hardships and perseverance that it took on behalf of our brother Judah to be the nation they are today. We will have lectures on everything from Holocaust survivors and the starting of the Kibbutzim, who were the first ones to come back to the land, to young Israelis who are learning their place in modern society. In addition, we will hear from senior military officials down to everyday young Israeli soldiers to try to comprehend what they go through on a daily basis living amongst enemies that want to destroy them. Our students will be privileged to see everything from archeological sites to military institutions and the Yad VaShem Holocaust museum to fully understand what sacrifice was required by Judah to be a nation again today.


2 Cor 5:20 Then on behalf of Messiah, we are ambassadors, as Yahweh is exhorting through us

Rev 5: 20 and made us kings and priests to our Elohim; and we shall reign on the earth.

Scripture clearly tells us that to be true believers we will be Kings and Priests of the Most High Elohim in His Kingdom and that we are now Ambassadors for Yahweh's soon coming Kingdom. To this end, we will teach and train our students how to prepare for this most important job. Ambassadors are not just sent, but they must be trained for the position and country that they are going to.

We are truly focused on training our students in leadership, young and old. What a true Ambassador does, and how he ought to behave. Whether you are just getting out of school and want to dedicate your life as a servant of Elohim or you are older and want to make that next step in your calling to a more complete role in serving our Heavenly Father and His children.

In royal families, children are trained from birth to prepare to someday take the throne. Many people will spend years of their life going to worldly learning institutions to learn secular skills that most will not even be used in the Kingdom age, don't you think it is worth a few months of your life to learn skills that you will take into our Heavenly Father's Kingdom?


Nestled away on the shores of the Sea of Galilee is the campus of "The Return to the land program". The campus is equipped with double rooms with air conditioning, and TV for married couples and also larger rooms for those students coming with adult children. All this on a most beautiful setting, full of fruit trees and spectacular flowers, all in a park like setting. There is also a full functioning student center that will be able to be used by all the students participating in studies and also for classes and lectures.

With a program that lasts for many months we cannot down play the communal aspect of the program. Community life was something that was an every day function in ancient Israel but is mostly foreign to the western world today.

We will be focusing on teaching men how to be leaders in their communities and women on how to be modest, holy women, like Sarah of old. Teaching brethren to be disciplined in their calling and respecting others around them will be a major focus of the program. Only those of a humble spirit would benefit from this training.

Over the last decade, all of our programs that we have established in Israel have been geared to help people understand the cultural aspect of community life in ancient Israel. It will be an adjustment to many coming from the west, but it will also be a wonderful experience to be able to meet and fellowship with brethren from all over the world. It will be a pleasant surprise to be able to stay in Israel for so long, and mentally understand the fa?ade that has been created in the west today. We are also offering an extended volunteer program for those who may wish to stay in Israel longer.

Due to the nature of the program, 18 years old is the minimum age of students applying. We will consider applications for students who would need to bring with them children as campus residents instead of being students.


Don Esposito has been the senior Elder of the COYJ since 1996. He and his wife Petra became leaders of pilgrimages and started taking groups to Israel in 1998.
He started teaching them from scripture about the land covenants of Israel and how the land of Israel is the very Promised Land to the nation of Israel from time immemorial.

They then started to host the three pilgrim feasts of Passover, Shavuot, and Sukkot in Jerusalem starting in 2001, according to Deut. 16:16. They encourage believing pilgrims to come to Jerusalem to represent their given country of origin as a prelude to the millennial Kingdom of Israel and the blessing on the nations (Zech 14) who support them. Currently there are people from around 25 nations present.

The remaining time of the year, they do humanitarian outreach work, visiting the congregations and bringing much needed aid to places like Kenya, Uganda, Philippines, Sudan and Ethiopia and many other places. They have raised funds for everything from helping the homeless, to building soup kitchens and aides hospices.

In 2004, he has initiated the HaYahad program in Kibbutz Ginnosar as a non-denominational institution to expose people of all backgrounds to the Hebraic roots of Christianity and to further enhance the ancient Israelite culture to the students. The programs are run in conjunction with licensed archeologists from the Israel antiquity department. On field trips, archaeological sites are visited that prove the accuracy and authenticity of the Tanach through history and archaeology in connection with the biblical land of Israel to the Jewish people through antiquity. Further taught is the importance of the Hebrew language in conjunction with understanding the Tanach and debunk the false concept of replacement theology.

In their world travels, He has been blessed to speak to large audiences and even was able to bare witness to world dignitaries and always teach the message of the nations being blessed for standing with Israel and also the importance of the Israeli nation throughout antiquity.


We will have monthly/bimonthly field trips to the following places.
  • Visit Israeli settlements and hear what sacrifice it took to develop and live there.
  • Visit agricultural Kibbutzim and learn about organic growing and what was involved in the starting of the Kibbutz movement in Israel.
  • Visit Yad VaShem, Holocaust Museum and try to understand what was the sacrifice and environment of creating the modern state of Israel.
  • Visit military institutions and hear what life is like for young Israelis having to join the military to protect their homeland.
  • Visit Knesset and hear how the legislature branch of modern Israel was formed.
  • Visit wilderness and archaeological sites to try to understand the relevance and connection to ancient Israel and the forming of the modern nation.
  • Visit Neot Kedumin to better understand the relevance of plants and fruit trees and the physical land of Israel to the bible.


    Archeology is a relatively new science of only about 130 years. Through archeology many biblical places and stories have been verified and the integrity of the Bible upheld.

    Biblical archeology is the cornerstone to proving to the skeptic the truth of scripture. We plan to have some of the top archaeologists in Israel such as Yossi Stepansky, Danny Herman and others as lecturers at our school.

    We will have a three-phase archeology program at Hayahad. Phase one will be a classroom learning of biblical archeology. Phase two will consist of touring archeological sites in the land and learning first hand of what life was like to ancient Israelites, and phase three will be possibly participating in an archeological dig. Our students will also be blessed to visit the Israel Antiquity Department headquarters in Jerusalem and learn first hand about biblical archeology.


    Hebrew is the original language of the bible and also the language that the Tanach was written in. When the captives came back to Jerusalem in the book of Nehemiah, Nehemiah rebuked the people because their children where not speaking Hebrew. Neh 13:24 And their children spoke half in the speech of Ashdod, and to them there was no respecting to speak the Jewish language, but according to the language of each people. We also see that in the last days that the language of Hebrew would be restored. Zep 3:9 For then will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may all call upon the name of YHWH, to serve him with one consent. To this end we will be offering a Biblical Hebrew Class to be able to learn Biblical Hebrew, and to also be able to read the Tanach in Hebrew.

    For prices for the Fall semester and applications, send Correspondence to:

    The Return to The land Program
    Po Box 832 Carteret NJ 07008

    or download below.

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