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Matthew 24:14 Project
And this good news of the Kingdom shall be published in all the earth for a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come.
(Mat 24:14)

Matthew 24:14 Project
Project - Preaching the Good News - The twofold comission --> Materials

I’m sure most of us out there who are believers have wondered at one time or another, what is my responsibility for the calling that Yahweh has given me? We read from the Father’s Word that He says “For anyone who is given much to him, much is required from him.” Luke 12:48. What exactly are we called to do? If we read Matt. 28:18-20 it states, “All authority in Heaven and on earth was given to Me.” He is in control. Next He tells His disciples (or students), which we are, “disciple all nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son, and the Holy Spirit (Yahweh’s supreme power) teaching them to observe all things, whatever I commanded you.” So He tells us exactly what we are to do.

Think now for one moment. This was said two thousand years ago. If ever, for the last two thousand years, this chain was broken so to speak, how could we today have the proper Good News? But Yahshua said in Matt. 16:18 that He would build His congregation (or better yet, His elect body) and the gates of hell would never prevail against it. In other words by His Spirit for two thousand years He would relay the Good News through his chosen called out ones until His return.

Now the last sentence of Matt. 28:20 is also very important. It says, “behold, I am with you all the days until the completion of the age”. We have seen men try to take the place of the Messiah for the last two thousand years, and yet He said He has never left. So the very first point when thinking about the great commission here in Matt. 28 is to let Messiah lead us, and to NOT do the work of men. Eph. 2:10 says that “for we are His workmanship, created in Messiah Yahshua unto good works, which YAHWEH before prepared that we should walk in them.” Where Brethren have gotten off base on this subject before is when they stop seeking Yahweh’s will and start following their own will.

And yet if we are true disciples, and just want to share the joy of our salvation and His Kingdom with others, preaching the Good News could be the most rewarding and fulfilling aspect of our lives. Hab. 1:5 says, “Look among the nations and behold, and be amazed. Be amazed! For a work is working in your days which you will not believe, though it be told to you.” It is the most exciting thing a human being can imagine being a part of that work.

We read in Acts 8:4, “Then indeed, the ones who being scattered passed through, preaching the Word of Elohim.” And dropping down to verse thirty, “And running near, Philip heard him reading the prophet Isaiah, and said, Indeed, do you know what you are reading? But he said, How am I able to comprehend unless someone instructs me? And he called Philip near, to come up to sit with him.”

It is a great honor to us that our Holy Father has chosen us to be a part of bringing sons to salvation. That is the work of Yahweh. We are the work of Yahweh. And we do have a responsibility (as Yahweh leads us) to help others down their path of salvation. The following page "The twofold commission" will give you some ideas on Matt. 24, our two fold commission in doing this great work. By far it is not an exhaustive list but at least it is a start, and a way to give some ideas on how to accomplish this great commission.

Books Pamphlets Lessons
  Download   Correspondence Course Lesson 01 - Joining The New Covenant
  Download   Correspondence Course Lesson 02 - What is True Repentance
  Download   Correspondence Course Lesson 03 - The Family of Yahweh
  Download   Correspondence Course Lesson 04 - The Sabbath Day
  Download   Correspondence Course Lesson 05 - The Life of A True Believer
  Download   Correspondence Course Lesson 06 - The Reward of The Saved
  Download   Correspondence Course Lesson 07 - Is There A Hell Fire
  Download   Correspondence Course Lesson 08 - Holy Days_Passover_Unleaven
  Download   Correspondence Course Lesson 09 - Shavuot-Sukkot
  Download   Correspondence Course Lesson 10 - The Family Name of The Creator
  Download   Correspondence Course Lesson 11 - The Biblical Calendar
  Download   Correspondence Course Lesson 12 - Changing of The Priesthood
  Download   Correspondence Course Lesson 13_Enduring Till The End
  Download   Correspondence Course Lesson 14_Yahwehs Judicial Order
  Download   Correspondence Course Lesson 15_Who Is Babylon
  Download   Correspondence Course Lesson 16_The Kingdom Of YHWH
  Download   Correspondence Course Lesson 17_ Is There An immortal Soul
  Download   Correspondence Course Lesson 18_ The Marriage Covenant
  Download   Correspondence Course Lesson 19_ Who is The Messiah of Israel
  Download   Correspondence Course Lesson 20_What is The Holy Spirit
  Download   Correspondence Course Lesson 21_ The Gift of Languages
  Download   Correspondence Course Lesson 22_The Purpose of Man
  Download   Correspondence Course Lesson 23_Clean and Unclean
  Download   Correspondence Course Lesson 24_Tithing
  Download   Correspondence Course Lesson 25_Jerusalem
  Download   Correspondence Course Lesson 26_ The Shemita Year
  Download   Correspondence Course Lesson 27_ The Wilderness

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