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"Carry the excess load of one another and thus complete yourself in the instruction of Messiah" [Gal 6:2]
Many of our brothers and sisters around the world lack even the basic daily needs as food and clean water.
Now is the time to use the resources that Yahweh has given us to care for those in need and pass His blessings on [Jacob 2,15-16].
We have opened this section to allow everyone to share in the help and become part of the blessing that Yahweh has prepared for those that love and wait for Him.
Support the outreach work of the congregations world wide and help them bringing help and hope to the lost and poor in their regions, and use the money which is of temporary worth, to bear fruit that will be for eternity.
"Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in the power of your hand to do it." [Pro 3:27]
It's in our hands to to good, let us do it !
financial information:
In contrast to charity organisations that usually have to use between 15 and 20 percent of the donations for maintenance, staff and advertisement,
we can deliver all of the donated money without loss to the projects into the given countries. This is possible, due to most projects being carried out by the local congregations in the given country, to whom the money can be handed over personally, and everybody being involved working voluntary.
Please consider that when donating through PayPal, PayPal demands a fee of 3 percent.
JOSEPH'S STOREHOUSE PROJECT S.Sudan, Kenya, Ethopia drought help - Africa
Currently we have outreach in many parts of Africa including Kenya, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Ethiopia, Southern Sudan, Nigeria and Burundi. Many of these places we already have established congregations for many years and other parts of Africa we are laying the groundwork for bringing the word of Yahweh to these nations.
One concern we have currently is that the horn of Africa is going through its worst drought in some places in almost 100 years. We have started a Joseph’s storehouse project to try to get food and needed supplies to the areas affected most.
Here is an excerpt from a recent correspondence from our main elder in Ethiopia and southern Sudan;
Well the situation has affected these tropical parts of the countries. We had been planting grains before June every year, but this year, we haven't due to drought situation already hitting us. I have heard that even at Gambella region,Ethiopia where our brethren are is experiencing similar drought resulting in food shortage. You see the situation of brethren in these two countries is really difficult and I cannot describe it well enough.
Most of the members are in a poor situation economically living on less than a dollar a day and there are no manual works to labor at to get wages. But what is important to them is the truth of Yahweh and the hope for the kingdom where there will be neither hunger nor thirst.
Sincerely, Kuel Deng, Elder Southern Sudan
We are preparing in advance for the harder days ahead but also realize that drought is already causing many problems for our brethren right now. If you would like to help out in Project Joseph’s storehouse Africa please write that on your check to NJ or click the donate button.
Praise Yahweh over the last few years we have been blessed to send mission teams on several occasions to Nicaragua and have 3 congregation of Yahweh started there. Nicaragua is extremely poor and very dangerous and our mission team has seen robberies and have had to stay in constant prayer to keep focused on these trips. They have brought much fruit, many baptisms and Yahweh has blessed the South American work with several true leaders to be doing the work of Yahweeh in that region.
Unfortunately, money is so tight that many do not even have money for bus fare and some of our leaders and elders do not have travel money for baptisms or printing materials for ministry. We are trying to help them with budgeted funds for preaching and helping the poorest people there.
The following is an excerpt from elder Roland Ostendorf’s latest mission trip to Nicaragua in January-March in 2011.

I’ve been going to Nicaragua for seven years now. The first trip was with a Messianic group to build a school in the mountains for the children of coffee farmers. Seeing the Star of David in the gable end of the coffee processing plant I soon realized these people are from Judah.
There were several other trips after this and starting about 2 years ago fruit started being borne. This past Sukkot one of the main leaders in Nicaragua named Ronald was blessed to come to Israel and to participate in the Return to the Land program and be ordained into the ministry of Yahweh.
On this latest trip we arrived in Managua February 7th after being delayed by weather for 5 days. I didn’t know where they were going to fit all of us and the luggage and donations that we brought, but we all managed to fit in.
One thing I learned in Nicaragua is that capacity of 30 really means 80 plus luggage, chickens, mattress, goats, sheep, beans and rice on top of the bus. We started on our two hour trip to Matagalpa. Usually brother Adrian would be my interpreter but this trip we had to trust Yahweh to send one.
We men were finally ready to head out on our 11 day mission tour through four big cities. An elderly couple stopped in out of the blue and asked me to pray for them. The lady had a big sack of money and wanted to give it to me for the prayer. Apparently, this is how they get the pastors to pray for them. I told her to keep her money and instead we fed them and prayed for them.
We all left and visited Suian, Rasia, Bonanza and all the way to Puero Cablzah on the north coast and points in between. As we started out the first thing that happened to us was a flat tire on the bus. It was a perfect time to begin our witnessing. Seven men on the bus became our students.
Two more hours down the road another flat tire! The seminar started again. We passed out a lot of reading material and spent an hour with them while waiting on the repair of the tire. This is pretty much how our whole trip went. Yahweh continued to bring divine appointments before us.
We collected many names for future contacts. I don’t speak Spanish, but when using the scriptures we all could know what the others were talking about. Truly, we learned that scripture is the only universal language to truth seekers.
Yahweh then put a man in front of me to witness to in English. This always seemed to happen. In the streets where we were walking there was always somebody Yahweh put in our path to witness to.
In Suina, we met a man well to do with expensive clothes and boots and gold decorations. Next to him was a calendar with his picture on it. A little while later while we were talking to him the man pulled out a wad of money from his pocket and gave it to us to find a hotel to stay in.
The next day we witnessed through the streets and came to a government center and found out that the man we met was the mayor. We were able to witness to ten people who worked there. The next day we were witnessing to a shoemaker and a big group of people gathered on the street.
A pastor in the group agreed with the things we were teaching and told us we needed to stay for years and straighten out the mess that organized religion had created.
In Rosita, it reminded me of Sodom and Gomorrah. We were only able to get 3 hours sleep due to the danger all around us.
Heading to Bonanza the next day, we were able to witness to a large family group. We constantly passed out the bible lessons and books and collected names and telephone numbers. We continued to witness non-stop on the bus between each city.
The next morning we walked one and a half hours to the port. There were two sets of gates with armed guards. They opened the gates for us when Leocadio told them we were ambassadors sent from Jerusalem. We all had caps on that said Jerusalem. (I had wondered why I bought so many caps from Israel the last time I was there)
At the end of the dock all the people wanted the lessons and books. They even spoke English. People even from Jamaica shouted to us from the boats; Give us some books!
On our bus ride back, Yahweh blessed me to sit next to an English speaking man. We shared Yahweh’s truth back and forth for six hours; from scriptures, the feasts, archaeology and history. This man was very knowledgeable.
Ronald, Aldo and John Danny were always witnessing on the bus. It was a great time for them and the people loved getting the truth. We started with 120 books, Great Falling Away and Chosen People along with a lot of lessons, and came back without any left, but a long list of people and phone numbers.
If you would like to donate to the South America work please state that on your check to NJ or click the donate button.
The congregation of Yahweh Philippines continues to be blessed and is growing rapidly with reports of new baptisms monthly. We have well over 50 congregations and thousands of members throughout the country of the Philippines.
Although Yahweh is blessing the Filipino work tremendously and we have been blessed to send much needed ministry funds for preaching the good news and feeding the poor and widows, there still continues to be many struggles for the brethren there due to third world conditions and adverse weather conditions.
Please read this excerpt from a recent letter from Ephraim Licayan who currently is the board chairman of the Congregations of Yahweh there.

Here is my updated report of Yahweh's Work in the Philippines:
The work in the Philippines is going strong despite the many challenges we are facing. Reports of baptism continue to come in from the field. Orland, the Filipino elder in charge of the Luzon operations, recently informed me that we now have a new congregation in the former US Naval Base in Subic, Zambales and he is - together with our workers in Luzon - doing follow up work of interested people in the Bicol Region.
In Central Philippines the evangelistic work is still being spearheaded by the radio show over DYSS-AM Station.This radio show has been on the air for the 11th year now supported by the tithes and offerings of the brethren from the Provinces of Bohol and Cebu. There are 6 active Elders in Central Philippines responsibly shepherding our local congregations in the Provinces of Bohol, Cebu, Leyte, Southern Leyte, Negros Oriental, and Negros Occidental. All the Elders and workers are working without salary but are very much eager to do, whatever they can, to bring the good news of Yahweh's kingdom to the people in Central Philippines.
In Southern Philippines the work is experiencing a boom especially in Central Mindanao where the Province of Bukidnon is located and most theological schools and seminaries of the Protestant denominations operating in the Philippines are found. There are around 10 active Elders in Southern Philippines caring for the flock of Yahshua in the Provinces of Misamis Oriental, Misamis Occidental, Bukidnon, Zamboanga del Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Lanao del Norte, Surigao del Norte, North Cotabato, Davao del Sur, and Agusan del Norte.
A number of challenges are facing our Philippines congregations. Due to third world conditions we are constantly facing very difficult economic situations in our country. Many of our brethren cannot find jobs because companies do not want to hire Sabbath keepers. Private companies in the Philippines require their workers to work on Saturdays. Farming is not a very rewarding work in our country. Imported rice is cheaper compared to rice produced in the Philippines. Most Filipino farmers have to borrow money to cultivate their lands, to pay for fertilizers and when harvest time is approaching typhoons may come unexpectedly to destroy the rice fields and the farm lands. Our country is visited by no less than 20 typhoons annually.
The internet is posing another challenge to us. Many young people are addicted to internet games and adult sites.
Attached are some of the pictures of the Philippine congregations.
B'Shem Yahshua,
We currently have been blessed to be able to allocate funds to subsidize much of the preaching work in the Philippines as well as send budgeted funds for the widows and orphans and poor due to the tragic storms that hit there so frequent. If you would like to help out in Project Joseph’s storehouse in the Philippines please write that on your check to NJ or click the donate button.