We believe Yahweh to be a
family name consisting of Yah, Yahweh the Father, and Yahshua Yahweh his Son. We believe them to be two separate beings, but are
one in thought, mind, and love by the Holy Spirit. Gen 1:26, and Gen
19:24, shows this duality of beings. Deut 6:4, also states
"Yahweh Elohim, Yahweh Echad" (united,
supreme). This word echad in the Hebrew shows a duality
of Yahweh. We believe that Yahweh the Father is greater
than Yahshua the Son, (Jn 5:30, Matt 19:7) in both power and
Authority, but commands us to honor Yahshua as we honor him (Jn
We believe Yahshua
to be the Messenger of Yahweh in the Tanach (Old Testament) Is 42:1,
Ex 3:2, Gen 18:1-33 Ps 110 1:7 Ps 45:1-8, Ps 2:1-7, and also the
very Son of Yahweh (Pr 30:4). The Hebrew word
"Malak" which is translated into English in most cases as
Angel, literally means Messenger. Even men are
referred to as Malaks (2 Sam 11:19). Yahshua was the
Malak or Messenger of Yahweh, but is not an Angel (Heb 1:5,13) but
is also Elohim (Jn 1:1-13).
We believe all humans to be sinners waiting to be judged to eternal
damnation for our sins (Ro 3:10-20, Ps 5:19, Ps 10:7 Ps 14:1-3).
We believe that in His love for us while we were yet
sinners (Jn 3:16, Ro 5:8) Yahweh sent His only Son Yahshua, the
Messenger of the Covenant to die for the penalty of our law
breaking, and took our legal code of Debt (Col 2:14) away and
nailed it to the tree at His death. We believe that
through repenting of our sins, and believing in Yahshua's sacrifice
for the forgiveness of those sins, and being immersed (baptized) in
Yahshua's Name, and having hands laid on by an elder for the
imparting of the Holy Spirit, that we go from death to life, and
have our sins forgiven and the death penalty removed. By
repenting, we must totally turn from our old sinful nature to the
nature of YHWH.
We believe that we are saved by
grace through the covenant of faith. There is nothing
that we can do to earn our salvation. A good act cannot
annul a bad act (sin). Only by accepting the blood
of Yahshua to pay our death penalty can we be
We believe once we
are saved that we must walk in newness of life (Ro 6:1-23), and
sin no more (Lk 13:1-5, Jn 8:11), and obey Yahweh's Torah.
We are not obeying Torah to be saved, as accepting
Yahshua's blood for our sins already saved us. We keep
Torah to please our Heavenly Father, and it teaches us right
from wrong (Ps 119:105). We believe keeping
Yahweh's commandments shows Him that we truly love Him (1 Jn 2:2-4),
this includes the third commandment of not changing YHWH's
We believe and
observe Yahweh's Sabbath day, as honoring Yahweh and Yahshua as
creators of the universe, and believe it to be a sign of Him
and His children (Ex 31:12-19). We also honor His Holy
appointments with us in Leviticus the 23rd chapter, as they show His
redemptive work He is doing with mankind through the blood of His
We believe a true
believer in Yahshua will be known by his fruits (Matt 7:17-23), and
by his true genuine love to others (Jn
13:34-35). A true believer will even love his enemies
(Matt 5:43:48). A true believer will sacrifice and give
to the poor and needy, and care for the fatherless and the
widow. He will not covet money and other worldly things
but will have his heart set on serving Yahweh and heavenly
things. He will not be condemning to others, knowing he
needs the Father's grace, and will always forgive others even if
they wrong him. True love is the most important
characteristic of the true believer, not some form of
knowledge. A true believer will be a slave to Yahshua,
and will share his salvation with others (2 Cor
5:14-21). The kingdom of YHWH and not mammon will be
first in his life (Matt 6:24,33).
We believe that Yahshua
is returning to earth for a literal 1000 year reign, and His
kingdom will continue forever. We believe those faithful,
will be resurrected from the dead, and will reign with Him as Kings
and Priests on the earth (Rev 5:10). The wicked will
receive eternal damnation. At His return, He will also
unite both The House of Judah and the House of Joseph into one (Ezek
37). We believe that the Father is still working with the
Nation of Israel, and as believers should be focusing on calling
back the lost sheep of the House of Israel. When someone
of the Nations comes to faith in Yahshua and is immersed in water he
also becomes part of the seed of Abraham and an heir of the
Congregation of YHWH P.O. Box 832 Carteret, NJ